Seeking spirits at the old Barnesville Enterprise building
BARNESVILLE — People can tune in to hear potential spirits talk to paranormal investigators as they travel inside of the old Barnesville Enterprise building looking for answers on unexplainable incidents.
Those interested in paranormal activity can join along on a Facebook live event with empaths and psychic mediums Guy McCort and his fiancée Kayla McCammon at 9 p.m. Friday as they journey into the old Barnesville Enterprise building.
People can tune into the live event by going to McCort’s Facebook page and using the link to join from his post or searching “Barnesville Enterprise Building Paranormal investigation” on Facebook.
A lot of this investigation will be a dive into the history of the building but also to talk to spirits because the new owners who are renovating the building have had weird incidents happen to them.
McCort said with this investigation, like most, he and McCammon will set up cameras and use equipment to talk to the spirits inside the buildings. He said the main goal of the investigation is to speak with the spirits and see what they have to say.
Some weird incidents that have happened to the people working on the building are tools coming up missing, with McCort saying they will be working on something and turn around and the tools are gone and a feeling of “dread” in the building, being described as the person feels he is not alone when he is in there.
“The main goal is the awareness of the history of the building,” McCort said. “That’s always our main goal is to tell the history. We like to tell the history of these buildings. And if it can get people interested in the history of our past, then that’s part of the goal, too.”
The new owners reached out to McCort and McCammon because they go all over the country to do paranormal investigations.
McCort grew up in a haunted house, he said, and wrote a book called Darkness on Church Street, which prompted him to become a paranormal investigator because he’s always experimented with it in a way and had unexplainable incidents happen.
The pair are hoping they can talk to the spirits to see if they are the one’s messing with the people’s tools, making them feel uneasy, see if the spirits are mad about the new upgrades and why they’re there. McCort said sometimes they can get the spirits to leave.
Many times after McCort and McCammon talk about the history or ask questions, a spirit who has had a past experience will respond with answers people have been told about the history. The couple says that makes it fun for people to listen in on because it verifies what they’ve been taught.
McCammon also said sometimes the spirits will even name people who work at a building.
“It confirms the history and in a lot of ways, it also validates our abilities to talk to spirits
too, because they will talk about people within the home, things they watch them do every day, which, in a way, can kind of creep some people out,” McCammon said. “That validates that they really are around us all the time.”