
St. Clairsville mayor asks for public support

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA St. Clairsville Mayor Kathryn Thalman asks St. Clairsville residents to express their support for a waterline project in hopes to secure funding.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — St. Clairsville Mayor Kathryn Thalman is asking the residents for their support.

Thalman wrote an open letter to residents on Monday.

“I wish to express my strong support for the continuation of the waterline replacement project,” Thalman’s letter states.

Thalman is asking residents to either write letters or emails to voice their support for the St. Clairsville waterline replacement project. She said residents can email her at KThalman@Stclairsville.com or drop off letters at the city building. She then plans to hand deliver the letters to Congressman Micheal Rulli, R-Ohio, in hopes of getting federal funding for what she termed a much-needed project.

Thalman said the city’s waterlines are roughly 100 years old and that the city desperately needs to address the issue before even more lines burst.

“Congress throws just a big lump of money in a pot of appropriations, then they go to the Appropriations Committee and say, ‘Hey, I’ve got a town that needs some money for a big project. And the reason they want letters is votes,” Thalman said. “Somebody’s gotta be the adult in the room and do it. Like Wayne Gretzky said, ‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.'”

She added that she understands that the city may not receive the money needed from the Appropriations Committee, but believes it is her duty to do everything in her ability to try and secure the $6 million she believes is needed to complete the project.

“I’m here to fight for our city. I’m a Leo, and I’m a lion when it comes to St. Clairsville. I roar loud, and I mean it,” Thalman said.

She added that when trying to secure the funding in the past, she heard that the money received would be income based, which she thinks is ridiculous.

“Don’t tell me that people don’t deserve clean water based on their income. That’s bull,” she said.

The St. Clairsville waterline replacement project consists of two phases. Phase one began over a year and a half ago and is being handled by James White Construction.

Phase one started at the east end of Main Street and headed west to Reservoir Road.

But now the city is needing to secure funding before it can begin phase two.

The purpose of the project is to address the numerous waterline breaks the city has had in recent years.

Thalman said she believes the Appropriations Committee is looking for projects that are ready to begin as soon as the funding is received, which she said the waterline project is because of the first phase nearing completion.

“We are finishing phase one, which was to the reservoir bridge, and that is done except for the repatching where they tore up. Phase two starts down North Sugar Street, and that will go down into some of the neighborhoods. We’ve tackled the hard part, down through Main Street, caused disruption and everything. But we’ve got that done.”

She added that she is thankful for the residents’ understanding because she knows the project is long and inconvenient.

In addition to replacing the waterlines, crews have also been fixing potholes, which Thalman hopes will be an added bonus to the inconvenience residents have experienced.

Thalman added that she will not stop looking for funding for this project regardless of whether she is able to secure it from the Appropriations Committee.


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