
Students win district title for American legion flag program

Photo Provided St. Mary Central School in Martins Ferry student Olivia Murray and Powhatan Point Elementary School student Gunner Aanerud win the district level for their American Legion Flag Program test scores. They are shown with Rick Smathers of Post 228.

POWHATAN POINT — Two students are district winners with a test that tested their knowledge of the American flag.

Olivia Murray St. Mary Central School in Martins Ferry won first place for the girls division a few months ago after Richard Smathers from the American Legion Post 228 in Powhatan Point presented the 2024 Flag Program to the fourth grade at St. Mary’s Central. The program was also offered to Powhatan Point Elementary School and included the history of the American flag.

Students prepared for the 20-question test and essay question, used in case of a tie, for one month by reading and studying a comic book illustration that told a story of four individuals and why the flag is important to them.

Murray advanced to the Post Competition and then to the district where winners from 29 other American Legion posts are also competing for the district winner title.

Murray’s test scores won her the district winner title. This time, Murray won a certificate along with a monetary award presented by the American Legion at a lunch March 9.

Powhatan Point Elementary School student Gunner Aanerud also won the district winner title for his school with his high test scores, also winning a certificate and monetary award.

Smathers said the program teaches students that the flag is a symbol of our country’s independence and our individual liberties and unity as a nation and also gives them a little bit of history background, so it will create more spirit and respect for the flag, hopefully.

“We’re trying to get patriotism back into the schools,” Smathers said. “To make them aware that it’s just not something that they look at and say the Pledge to, there’s meaning and there’s reason behind it. The sacrifices were made for it over the years and how it became so we want them to honor the flag when they see it.”

Smathers hopes through this program, patriotism and flag history will move forward with them as they study history later on.

“We are very proud of Olivia for being one of the district winners of the flag program,” St. Mary School principal Theresa Young. “It shows others that the students of St. Mary Central are patriotic and proud of everything for which Old Glory stands. Love of God and love of country are two very important things, and Olivia represents all of St. Mary Central very well.”


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