
The Health Plan returns as Tough as Nails presenter

Officials from The Health Plan and the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine look over plans for this year’s Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan. Pictured are, seated from left, The Health Plan CEO Jeff Knight and Jim Spanner, general manager of The Times Leader. Standing, from left, are Eric Anderson, Tough As Nails race director and publisher of the Wetzel Chronicle, Tyler Star News and the Green Tab; Joe Lovell, special events coordinator for Ogden Newspapers and Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon race director; and The Health Plan marketing and communications Director David Flatley.

WHEELING — When discussing why his company enjoys being the title sponsor of the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge, Jeff Knight, CEO of The Health Plan, can tick off a list.

It’s fun. It’s different. It covers a healthy distance, but it sports features that allow more than just runners to stay healthy.

“It’s a great community event that gives more than long distance runners an opportunity to participate,” Knight said. “Other athletes have the ability to participate as well. That’s what makes it different, what makes it unique, and that’s why we want to be a part of it.”

The Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan will send urban warriors along a five-mile course that puts them on, over, in and around more than 20 obstacles, many of them incorporating Wheeling landmarks. The challenge begins at noon Sunday, May 25, as part of the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine.

The event isn’t just a physical challenge, but a mental one as well. Those five miles around Wheeling are filled with tough obstacles. Participants must climb, crawl and carry and stay focused as they traverse the terrain.

Knight appreciates that the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan is such a grueling test. He also appreciates how much the event celebrates so many parts of the Friendly City and its history. It’s an opportunity for Wheeling residents to get a reminder of what makes their home special and gives out-of-towners a taste of what the natives know by heart.

“It is a Wheeling event, but we’re pulling people from the tri-state area, which is good, too,” Knight said. “It covers a lot of our footprint, so we support the people who support us.”

That support goes far beyond The Health Plan’s name. For years, the company has fully bought into the importance of the Ogden Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine as well as the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan. Employees’ participation is seen throughout, whether competing or volunteering.

“That’s one thing The Health Plan is very proud of,” Knight said “Our employees will go out of their way to support any event, whether it’s Tough As Nails, volunteering at the United Way or ringing bells for the Salvation Army. If they can’t participate in the event as a runner, they can definitely participate by helping those individuals throughout the race.”

Tough As Nails Race Director Eric Anderson, the publisher of the Wetzel Chronicle, Tyler Star News and Green Tab, said race designers are in the lab figuring out another memorable run, one that will both bring back memories and offer some surprises.

“The race is unique in that it allows runners to traverse through a variety of urban settings including factories, city parks, and parking garages,” Anderson said, “all the while pushing themselves through obstacles stationed throughout.

“The course this year will include many of the past favorites but also add in some new locations and obstacles that will be sure to challenge participants,” he continued. “Whether participants go at it solo, or as a part of a group, we feel they’ll be challenged and have fun doing it.”

The entire committee putting together the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine is excited to see what participants will think of this year’s Tough As Nails course, and say The Health Plan’s help is what allows the event to grow and improve each year.

“The Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan has become a part of the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend that no one wants to miss,” said Jim Spanner, general manager of The Intelligencer and Wheeling News-Register. “It is such a unique and fun experience that has helped the entire weekend to grow over the last few years. And with the support of The Health Plan, this year’s edition of the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge will reach even greater heights.”

To register for all the events that make up the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine, visit ogdenwellnessweekend.com.


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