
YWCA sets bingo fundraiser

WHEELING — A night of games to support a good cause — and possibly winning $10,000 — might just be on everybody’s bingo card.

The YWCA Wheeling is hosting a Mega Bingo fundraiser on April 5 at the Wheeling Artisan Center. This event will feature an evening of excitement, with all proceeds benefiting the YWCA’s critical programs and services.

Doors open at 3 p.m., with bingo calling beginning at 4 p.m.

The price to participate is $75 a person, and the cost includes one bingo packet and dauber. Additional packets will be available for purchase.

Attendees must be at least age 18 to play.

There will be 14 bingo games throughout the night, plus a special coverall game. The winner of the coverall will take home $10,000.

The Mega-Bingo is the third large bingo event sponsored by the YWCA Wheeling in the past three years, according to Liz Handzus, marketing and development director for YWCA Wheeling.

Historically, the YWCA Wheeling hosted bingo games at its building on Chapline Street every Friday night.

“We’ve seen success (with bingo),” Handzus said. “It goes back to our roots. We had core groups that attended, and it turned into a big thing.”

The bingo will take place on the third floor at the Artisan Center, she added.

All proceeds from the Mega Bingo fundraiser will go directly to supporting the YWCA Wheeling’s essential services, including programs that empower women, assist survivors of domestic violence and trafficking, and help build a stronger, safer community.

Tickets can be purchased at the YWCA Wheeling website. For more information, contact Handzus at 304-232-0511.


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