Love and romance span decades in our region
Seventy-five years — can you imagine being married to one person for three-quarters of a century?
Actually, I think I can. My husband, Mike, and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary in October, and I don’t think either of us would change a thing.
On Friday, which just happened to be Valentine’s Day, our reporter Gage Vota provided readers the story of Bill and Ann Heslep of Hannibal. They met as grade school students and are still together now at ages 96 and 94, respectively.
Bill summed up their secret to success with one sentence:
“You just have to love somebody that you can’t live without.”
I know that’s how my own parents — the late Jim and Grace Compston of Belmont — felt about one another. They didn’t make it to their 75th anniversary, but they had been married for 59 years when my dad died. All Mom wanted from that point forward was to have him back.
Reporter Josie Burkhart found other romantic stories to tell for Valentine’s Day. She spoke to couples all across the region who had been married for 39 years, 41 years, 48 years, 51 years, 58 years, 59 years and even 64-65 years. Many of their secrets to success are simple. They love, support and understand one another in good times and bad. They enjoy each other’s company. They work as a team. They prioritize family, including their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Some of those couples are playful. Some love to travel. And they also realize that they each, as individuals, sometimes need their own space.
What inspiring stories all of these couples shared with us — and our readers across Eastern Ohio. They even revealed how they would celebrate Valentine’s Day — some going out to dinner at their favorite restaurant, some relaxing at home and at least one pair spending the holiday with their grandson.
However you marked the holiday or still plan to celebrate this weekend, reflect on their tales and consider how the lessons they have learned might apply to your own romance. Enjoy, and have a happy Valentine’s Day weekend!