
Setting an example is the only thing you can do

As a coach, in practice or a game, I take advantage of teachable moments to drive home a point or a behavior we want our players to repeat. When we won the 2024 State Championship after only winning one of our first 7 games, the first lesson was; Don’t give up on your dreams. The other lesson was; If we don’t adapt, change, and innovate we will be left behind. The coaches and the boys never gave up. There was a lot of hard work, change and innovation in the middle of the season that led to winning our last 7 games including the State Championship game and allowing only one goal. At the end of season banquet, I reminded the boys of their accomplishments and lessons learned. The life lessons learned were far more important than the Championship.

When teaching leadership, my first lesson is; Example isn’t the main thing it is the ONLY thing. What we DO is more important than what we SAY. Our captains know they must hustle if they expect their players to hustle. If they are on time for practice their players will be on time. Our Team refused to quit because the coaches and captains refused to quit. As coach and a parent when I tell my players and children not to smoke and stay fit. I MUST SET THE EXAMPLE. Those in leadership positions like parents, business leaders and those leading non-profit organizations are looked to for leadership and the example they set. If people respect the leader they will follow their example.

I share the following as a lesson in EXAMPLE and what it means to followers. This isn’t about politics or climate change. Everyone has their own opinion. The example of leaders helps to form opinion. This week, Arizona U.S. Senator Mark Kelly ditched his Tesla because of his dissatisfaction with Elon Musk and bought a Chevy Tahoe SUV. Senator Kelly has been a proponent of Climate Change. I respected Senator Kelly’s opinions regarding climate change because he is a fellow engineer and an astronaut who has a unique view of our planet from his space missions over a number of years. I have driven a Tahoe as a rental vehicle. It is a comfortable vehicle, spacious for passengers and cargo. It also uses a lot of gasoline. Senator Kelly’s example got me to thinking. He didn’t buy another brand of EV. General Motors and Ford both make EVs. Kelly didn’t even buy a small, high mileage gasoline vehicle like a Subaru. He bought a gas hog.

What does the example of those who commit violence or other acts against Tesla and the owners of Teslas tell us? If Tesla goes away don’t be surprised if the EV industry goes with it. The actions of these vandals and their leaders tell us climate isn’t important.

I don’t know what Senator Mark Kelly and others in leadership positions are thinking. That is the point. For anyone in a leadership position your followers don’t know what you are thinking. They can see your actions and they will draw their own conclusions.

Greg Kozera, gkozera@shalecrescentusa.com, is the director of marketing and sales for Shale Crescent USA.


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