
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to the Belmont County Board of Commissioners for working to expedite the effort to replace the Blaine Hill Bridge. While it is not their project, they are concerned about how its closure impacts residents.

JEERS to news that at least three recent fires in Bellaire are suspicious in origin. Not only do the blazes destroy property, but they endanger firefighters and others.

CHEERS to Property Maintenance Service in Bridgeport for collecting supplies and donations to support local animal rescues and shelters.

JEERS to word that someone is impersonating a Belmont County sheriff’s deputy in an effort to scam residents out of money, Sheriff David Lucas warned of the scam on Wednesday and advised people to report the calls.

CHEERS to news that Barnesville village employees will receive a $2 hourly pay raise. Everyone appreciates a pay increase, and it will be especially welcome this time of year.

CHEERS to a successful deer gun season in which no local hunters were reported injured. Across Ohio, hunters harvested 87,192 deer last week. Two additional days of hunting are available Dec. 21-22.

CHEERS to Steubenville City School for having several buildings rank among the nation’s top schools on a list by U.S. News & World Report.


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