
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to Josh Meyer, outgoing Belmont County commissioner, on a job well done. Meyer has served the county for eight years, and the board has been productive during his tenure.

JEERS to word that drought conditions reduced the amount of water the village of Belmont could produce from its wells this year.

CHEERS to Bishop Darrell Cummings of Bethlehem Apostolic Temple for organizing yet another holiday giveaway that is scheduled for 10 a.m. this Saturday at the North Wheeling Dream Center.

JEERS to the fact that there are people in need this holiday season right here in our Ohio Valley. Some families are struggling to make ends meet, let along create a celebration. Support them if you can.

CHEERS to Brookside Fire Chief Allan Ketzell III for his service to the community. Ketzell was recognized Tuesday evening for his 20 years of work with the fire department.

CHEERS to St. Clairsville City Council for being open to possibilities for local businesses. Members on Monday mulled ways to allow businesses to hang overhead signs to identify their shops.

CHEERS to all the holiday events and activities that are happening in communities all across Eastern Ohio. And Cheers to all who are making them happen.


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