
Ensure eligibility to vote

As we catch our breath and settle in to the new normal of a political landscape changed by the November election, there is not much time before we must turn our attention to the May 2025 election in Ohio.

Eligible voters must not sit this one out, believing the heavy lifting is done for a while. In fact, decisions that have a much greater chance of affecting our everyday lives will be made this spring — city councils, ballot issues affecting our schools … there is a lot on which we must weigh in.

To that end, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has issued a reminder that the Buckeye State is in the completion phase of Ohio’s 2021 General Voter Records Maintenance Program. The idea was to remove abandoned and/or inaccurate voter registrations from the rolls while protecting the rights of active voters.

“Maintaining accurate voter rolls is fundamental to election integrity,” said LaRose. “This careful and deliberate process ensures that every eligible voter can cast their ballot while removing outdated registrations that could compromise election integrity.”

LaRose has presented a timeline for this phase. All potentially affected voters will receive a “registration readiness notice” by March 5. His office says NO voter registrations will be canceled before the May 2025 primary election. However, cancellation of abandoned registrations will take place Sept. 23.

“Voters can easily maintain their registration by voting, updating or confirming their information, or responding to mailed notices,” LaRose’s office said.

“Any Ohioan who believes they may be impacted has the opportunity through this process to take action,” LaRose said.

Don’t wait. Register or check your status at VoteOhio.gov.

Our work as voters is not finished, for us to sit out another nearly four years before we act again. Important choices will be made in May. Do not be left out of the process.


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