
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to the Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley for awarding nearly $100,000 in grants to a wide variety of local organizations. That money will go a long way toward helping local residents.

JEERS to news that whooping cough has returned to Belmont County after an apparent six-year hiatus. Three cases have been diagnosed so far.

CHEERS to all the students across Eastern Ohio who made the honor rolls at their respective schools. It takes hard work and dedication to achieve good grades consistently, and they should be commended.

JEERS to the fact that the Trinity Health System hospital under construction in St. Clairsville was vandalized over the weekend. It may appear to have been a prank by youths, but its was a costly and illegal act.

CHEERS to Belmont County commissioners and Auditor Cindi Henry for doing their best to answer residents questions and concerns about the recent property tax increase, reflected on bills due this month.


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