
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to Rebecca Kiger, a Wheeling photographer who also teaches at Bellaire High School, for receiving national recognition for her documentation of the aftermath of the East Palestine train derailment.

JEERS to the fact that fire destroyed yet another local home earlier this week, this time in Bellaire. Area residents cannot be too cautious at this time of year.

CHEERS to news that dredging of the main reservoir in St. Clairsville is complete. The process will result in increased capacity, which adds security for residents of the city.

JEERS to severe weather that claimed several lives, especially in Kentucky and southern West Virginia. Despite our Appalachian experience with such events, we cannot be adequately prepared for every storm.

CHEERS to Jim Tressel, former Ohio State University football coach and past president of Youngstown State University, on being named lieutenant governor of the Buckeye State.


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