
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to news that Tecnocap, an Italian company that produces metal closures such as jar lids, is expanding its operations to Bellaire.

JEERS to the variety of concerns plaguing East Ohio Regional Hospital. From employee health insurance to back taxes, the administration has a full plate of issues to resolve.

CHEERS to the Monroe County Fair, which will celebrate its 175th anniversary this summer. Any institution that lasts that long obviously is valued by its community and is worth supporting.

JEERS to the discord in Martins Ferry surrounding a projected budget shortfall for the schools and the need for staff cuts. A potential tax increase to increase revenue did not receive a vote by the board of education.

CHEERS to all who participated in our annual Progress edition this past week, telling us their stories and sharing their predictions about the future of their various industries and fields.


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