
Slaughter in Gaza

Dear Editor,

I am absolutely devastated by the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. (I believe the killing of another human being is flat out wrong.)

The Israelis were the victims of the worst slaughter in history when 6 million were slaughtered by Hitler and Himmler in the Holocaust. And the Israelis suffered another major crime when 110 were murdered on February 7th by Hamas.

None of the crimes endured by Israel, however, justified the killing of over 34 thousand Palastinians, including 14 thousand children in the Israeli revenge killing –so far ­–of Palastinians, in Gaza.

The grave harm done to the Palastinians and the related severe harm done to the morality of Israel, and to their greatest ally the United States, must end.

The two state solution created by the British and the United Nations in 1948 must occur to prevent greater harm to everyone and to resolve the rights of everyone.

Bill Bryant

St. Clairsville


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