Dear Editor,
In 2016, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became the candidate to run against businessman Donald Trump instead of Vice President Biden, Biden never expected to return to politics.
But in 2020, his status as Vice President and mental state recommended him to be the candidate to beat President Trump thanks to the COVID Crisis generated in China by utilizing the Carter-Baker Election Commission’s finding that the most easily abused election procedure was “Mail-in Ballots”!
Although thoroughly corrupt, the triumphant President Biden never understood how he was being manipulated and held in contempt “by the powers that be” that included his staff and advisors who suppressed his true mental state.
These same powers put policies forward consistent with the 1789, atheistic, violent, Democratic French Revolution that was the very antithesis of the 1776 American Revolution that established a Republic under the Triune God who became the Source of this nation’s “Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness”, (that is, the accruing of private & intellectual property) as sanctioned by the Supreme Judge of the world–Jesus the Christ ( Jn 5:22, Mt 21:33-43, Rom 3:3-4, 5:6, RSV).
American exceptionalism is predicated upon the ultimate importance of the individual regardless of race or sex, born or unborn!
The Father of the Constitution, James Madison, explained pithily why a Republic was chosen rather than a Democracy that suppresses the individual through sheer, unmitigated power–not by “The Rule of Law”.
Madison’s quote was sent to both Presidents Obama and Biden.
After listening to President Biden’s Inaugural Address, I wrote to him, “With all due respect Mr.President, we are a Republic under the Triune God not a Democracy under the rule of a majority or a virulent minority.
He doubled down on the term “Democracy”!
The contempt in which he was held by those around him is made clear by the suppression of his true mental state, the gross manipulation of the Office of the Presidency as well as the letter President Biden left for President Trump that expressed his fundamental belief in God.
W. M. Yavelak