
The Trump image vs. reality

Dear Editor,

Is it not obviously hypocritical for multibillionaire Donald J Trump who promoted himself and the Republican Party in the recent U.S. presidential election as strong supporters of and advocates on behalf of working Americans and the poor as he has overwhelmingly selected the wealthiest among us including no fewer than 11 multi billionaires to serve in top cabinet positions.

As well as a multitude of billionaire advisors that he plans to employ as part of the incoming Trump administration to help him run the federal government? Recall also how Republicans including Trump have criticized multibillionaire George Soros for his donations to the Democratic Party over the years because of his vast wealth, which is most contradictory indeed, to say the least.

Trump has selected the world’s wealthiest individual Elon Musk who was born in South Africa and later became a U.S. citizen who spent more than $250 million of his own money in support of the Trump presidential campaign in 2024 which undoubtedly greatly assisted in Trump’s ultimate victory.

Apparently as a result Mr. Musk has been selected by incoming president Trump to serve as Co leader of a newly created Trump organization along with the extremely wealthy Vivek Ramaswamy who also has recent foreign roots, that allegedly has been created in order to cut costs by eliminating excess regulations to be known as D.O. G.E.(Department of Government Efficiency) which at present has yet to be designated as an official government department and is currently established as a government advisory group.

Also, it is quite interesting and massively contradictory that Trump is so willing to employ foreigners into such critical component in his administration, as he has pledged to conduct a mass deportation of foreign immigrants, beginning, on his first day in his return to office.

Immensely hypocritical, as well as it has been reported that Mr. Trump had been granted governmental approval to employ at least 209 foreign workers in his myriads of business ventures which he has done.

It has been highly speculated that the Trump administration will target major cuts to very popular and very successful programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the like in order to dramatically cut the federal deficit while continuing, and further enhancing tax cuts and other subsidies to the wealthiest of citizens. Including himself and his family.

Sadly, it quite obviously appears that Trump who promotes himself politically as an advocate on behalf of the common American’s when his primarily motivated to further enhance and enrich himself and others of his like at the expense of the working class, poor and elderly Americans.

Richard Hord

Martins Ferry


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