Timing is everything in America
Dear Editor,
With regard to the subject of “Timing Is Everything,” well, in ways.
Tis’ not “everything” but in many measures it matters greatly. Our 47th President might say, “Bigly”… It is a time for Americans to lead the world with a moral compass. The founders formed a nation with God’s way to “Trust”.
Our nation has been through many attacks. Diplomacy became “Trust, But Verify”.
After WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, President Ronald Reagan, with great help from the Heritage Foundation, brought back “Peace Through Strength”.
If heritage matters these days, observing history is presenting a time of awakening, a time that matters.
Is “In God We Trust” lost in time? We pledge to WHAT these days.
Well, take a knee to pray. It is time.
“Everything” seems upside down at times. Like “Alice In Wonderland.”
So as we hurry these days, don’t be late for a very important date.
Jesus is Lord. He will return. No one knows the time. But it IS everything.
The Christ is verified.
God Bess and keep America.
Sam Fregiato
St. Clairsville