
DC and Google

Dear Editor,

The Democrats and RINOs in Washington DC are in panic mode and realtors and algorithms on Google are showing the truth.

If you don’t think the layoffs and shutting down of wasteful departments aren’t real, all you have to do is look at what is happening in the housing market in the Washington DC area. Homes are going up for sale in large numbers. Now I hate anybody to lose their job, but if that job was created through bloated bureaucratic waste of taxpayer dollars, I don’t have much sympathy. If bureaucrats are forced to find affordable housing in line with the pay for real jobs in the workforce that they are qualified for, that ladies and gentlemen, is a good thing. It has felt for far too long that there are two societies in America. Those of the Washington DC elite and the rest of America that has to live in the real world. A world where you have to go to your job and not work from home. A world where you struggle to make ends meet and can’t just have a politician vote you an upgrade in pay because of kickbacks and pork barreling. A world where healthcare and getting regular meals everyday has to be weighed on which is more important.

But housing isn’t the only indicator of corruption in our nation’s capital. A study was done on what words were being searched the most on Google in this American city of corruption. Since Inauguration Day, certain Google search terms have been skyrocketing in the DC area. Terms like “criminal defense lawyer” and “offshore accounts” and “Rico law.” This is a very condemning trend, don’t you think?

According to the Rasmussen Report, over three times more people in DC are Googling “Criminal Defense Lawyer” than anywhere else in the US. People in Washington DC searching for criminal lawyers jumped 400 % starting December 1.

According to Wikileaks the Google search in Washington DC for offshore accounts and wire transfers jumped on Jan. 22. This was two days after Trump was sworn into office.

Those searching how to erase/wipe Google searches started going up on Jan. 23rd. It seems people panicked on the 22nd and realized they better get rid of their search information the very next day.

I believe we are in the middle of a civil war. It’s a war not fought with guns but with forensic audits and conservative podcasts against legacy media and the deep state. A war fought by constitutionalists against corrupt globalists and totalitarians. A war fought by Americans of every creed, color and gender who say enough. Americans who say, “You can no longer waste my money. You can no longer pervert my child. You can no longer lie to me about vaccines and masks. You can no longer fight endless wars for your personal gains with American blood.” We have to win this battle folks. If not, we will reap the whirlwind.

Randy Marple



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