
Bethesda’s Huntsman wins title at Rough N Rowdy

Photo/JOE LOVELL BRADLEY HUNTSMAN boxes with previously undefeated Delvin Hamlett during Friday’s Rough N Rowdy 17 event at WesBanco Arena Friday night.

WHEELING – Ohio Valley fighters were very successful during Friday night’s Barstool Sports Rough N Rowdy 17 inside downtown WesBanco Arena. They prevailed in five of eight bouts against competition from all over the United States.

None, however, were better than Bethesda’s Bradley “The All American Redneck” Huntsman, as he claimed the RNR super heavyweight championship. The two-time Ohio Valley Toughman titlist scored a three-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated and belt holder Delvin “Kuntry Hoodlum” Hamlett, who hailed from Culpepper, Va.

The 6-5, 248-pound Huntsman, who is just 23 years old, used his left hand to do damage and kept Hamlett from unloading his big right hand.

“It feels good … it feels great,” Huntsman said of being the champion. “A couple weeks ago I went to one of these in Charleston. My buddies and I were talking and they told me I should enter the one in Wheeling. Thanks goodness to (W.Va. Sports Promotions’) Jerry Thomas because he is the one that texted me and asked me to fight.”

Huntsman called Hamlett the “toughest opponent he has ever fought I think he may have fractured my nose a little bit. He was a really good opponent.”

When asked about defending his title, he said, “I’ll be there.”

Huntsman knew Hamlett had a big right hand that he used to knock out his opponents.

“I just didn’t want to get hit with that right, and I can tell you that did not happen. That’s for sure,” Huntsman advised.

During a pre-fight interview, Huntsman told Hamlett that his right hand was his power hand.

“I don’t know whether that helped or not,” he said with a smile.

Other local winners included St. Clairsville’s tandem of Kamron “Showtime” Chervenak and Joey “Downtown” Brown; Barnesville’s Hunter “Polish Hammer” Markovich; and “Dynamite” Jeremy Smith, who hails from Columbus but trains at Travis Clark’s Team Terror in Morristown.

Smith defended his Barstool Sports Dwarf championship.

In the main event, champion Bobby “Lights-Out” Laing won by forfeit when Noah “Big Booty Daddy” DeCapria quit after two rounds. DeCapria was warned numerous times for trying to wrestle instead of box.

His decision to walkout after the second round touched off a melee outside the ring in which several individuals were handcuffed and arrested.

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy was unable to attend the event due to flight problems, but his assistant Dan Katz filled in on the nationwide Livestream broadcast.

“The two hardest working people at Barstool Sports are Wheeling residents Nick Turani and Kyle Bauer,” Katz said. “They do a great job for us.”


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