
Doan Ford-Barnesville Wrestling Invitational on Friday and Saturday

Established in 1969 as one of the first Invitational Tournaments in the Tri-State area, the 55th annual Doan Ford-Barnesville Wrestling Invitational will be held on Friday and Saturday.

The tournament will be held in the Barnesville High School Gymnasium. Currently 24 teams are entered in the tournament, therefore space will be limited.

Friday’s action gets started at 4:30 p.m.

The wrestling parents will be serving concessions Friday evening and Saturday until approximately 6 p.m.

Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students each day. Tickets for both sessions are $12 for adults and $10 for students.

Teams entered in addition to Barnesville include Bishop Watterson, Claymont, Dalton, Ellwood City, Pa., Harrison Central, Hawken, Indian Creek, Maysville, McKinley, New Philadelphia, Obama Academy, Pa., Shenandoah, Teays Valley, Troy Christian, Tuslaw, Union Local, University, Vinton County, Washington Courthouse, Waterford, West Union, Wheeling Park and Williamsburg.

The field includes 22 returning state placers, 24 more state qualifiers and several junior high state champions.


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