
Bellaire athletic department holding benefit for Davis

BELLAIRE — Charles “Tube” Davis is a well-known and very well-liked figure in the Ohio Valley sports scene.

The former Martins Ferry High athlete coached basketball at several local high schools, including Bellaire, St. John Central and Martins Ferry. He also helped coach AAU basketball and was a highly regarded clinician.

Davis is also the father to a pair of Bellaire High athletic legends — Jose and Nate Davis.

The elder Davis is in the midst of waging a valiant battle against cancer.

To help pay tribute to the affable Davis, the Bellaire High athletic department is staging a fifth- and sixth-grade boys and girls basketball tournament on Saturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2 in the high school gym. It is $100 to enter a team and every team will play at least three games.

“The response has been great so far,” Tournament Director Bruce Young noted. “We have teams registered ranging up and down the river from Brooke down to New Martinsville. We are looking for a big field with many competitive teams. Steubenville and St. Clairsville are already in the fold.

“The local basketball officials have also been super. I have many officials who say they will work for free,” he added. “That is a tribute to Tube. He is highly-respected and well-liked by everyone he came into contact with.”

Young also noted that Bellaire High boys hoop coach J.R. Battista, his staff and team will be contributing their time and expertise to ensure the annual event comes off smoothly once again.

The 40th annual tournament also features awards being presented to the first-, second- and third-place teams. Individual awards will be presented to the first- and second-place teams.

All proceeds will be donated to Davis for his medical expenses in his cancer fight. Davis was head coach for the Bellaire High Lady Big Reds for several years, leading them to an OVAC championship.

If you would like to enter a team or have any questions, please email Bruce Young at byoung@bellairesd.org or by calling him at 304-280-2154.

You can send entries to: Bellaire High School, in care of Bruce Young, 349 35th St., Bellaire, Ohio 43906. Please indicate team name, grade and roster.


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