
Semifinal field set for OVAC boys basketball championship

ST. CLAIRSVILLE – Four defending champions are among the field of teams that have qualified for the 2024-25 OVAC WVU Medicine Boys Basketball Championships, which will be held Saturday, Feb. 15 inside the ECO Center.

The tournament committee met Wednesday morning and established the semifinal pairings, along with the consolation bracket games.

The semifinals will be played on Tuesday at the higher seeds home court

Morgantown (Class 5A), St. Clairsville (Class 4A), Monroe Central (Class 3A), Steubenville Catholic (Class 2A) and newcomer Heartland Christian (Class 1A) all received No. 1 seeds in their respective classes.

Morgantown, St. Clairsville and Monroe Central all claimed championships last year, with Monroe Central winning in Class 2A. Union Local, the No. 3 seed in Class 3A, also won a title last year.

The semifinal pairings follow:

Class 5A

No. 1 Morgantown (12-1) hosts No. 4 Parkersburg South (7-5) and No. 2 Steubenville (14-2) welcomes No. 3 University (11-3) to the Crimson Center.

Class 4A

No. 1 St. Clairsville (14-3) awaits No. 4 Cambridge (13-6) on John Jenkins Court, while No. 2 East Liverpool (14-5) entertains No. 3 Beaver Local (14-5) at the Potter Fieldhouse. Both matchups are repeat affairs.

Class 3A

No. 1 Monroe Central (16-2) welcomes No. 4 Martins Ferry (9-8) to Junior Winland Court in Woodsfield for their third meeting this season. No. 2 Wheeling Central (12-2) hosts No. 3 Union Local (14-5) on Coach Skip Prosser Court in East Wheeling in a rematch of last year’s final.

Class 2A

Top-seeded Steubenville Catholic (15-3) entertains No. 4 Clay-Battelle (9-4 at the Mickey Barber Gymnasium, while No. 2 Toronto (14-5) hosts Caldwell (15-3) inside George Kunzler Memorial Gymnasium.

Class 1A

A new champion is assured as Cameron didn’t qualify this year. Newcomer Heartland Christian (12-4) grabbed the top seed and will welcome No. 4 Wood County Christian (8-5) to Columbiana. No. 2 Frontier (9-6) awaits No. 3 Valley (8-5) in Beaverton.


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