
Union Local girls fall to Minford

Photo Provided Union Local senior Ella Pietranton (24) drives to the basket Wednesday night against Minford in an Ohio Division V Regional semifinal at Jim Myers Gymnasium at Logan High School. The Jets fell, 47-31.

LOGAN — Union Local’s third trip to the Ohio Division V Region 19 semifinals in four years didn’t go as planned as it dropped a 47-31 decision to Minford inside Jim Myers Gymnasium at Logan High School.

The Jets (20-6) trailed 17-9 after one quarter and could never recover in trailing 28-17 at the half and 34-26 after three quarters.

Poor shooting from the floor was the main culprit as Union Local only recorded three made two-point field goals. It did, however, nail six treys.

Junior Delaney Butler buried half of those for a team-leading nine points. Ella Pietranton and Teegan Day — the two Jets seniors — each scored six points.

Lindsee Williams, the Falcons’ 6-4 Bradley University-bound center, led all scorers with 19. Lexi Conkel, who knocked down four treys, added 14.

Minford will now face Portsmouth, a 48-35 victory over Tuscarawas Valley.


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