
OVAC comes back for victory over MAC in ‘Clash of Champions’

Photo Provided The OVAC All-Star wrestling team is pictured following its come-from-behind, 31-25, win over the MAC All Stars inside Montour High School Wednesday night in McKees Rocks, Pa. Front row, from left are Pepper Martin (University), Tristan Eckles (East Liverpool), Carter Adkins (John Marshall), Zander Ward (John Marshall), Baylon Rose (Cambridge), Eli Messenger (Barnesville) and David DeFelice (Weir). Back row, from left are assistant coach Johnny McComas (Beaver Local), assistant coach Beau Smith (Beaver Local), Jameson Maynard (Wheeling Park), Ayden King (Barnesville), Damon Stansbury (East Liverpool), Brycen Arthur (Parkersburg South), Brock Kehler (University) and head coach Danny Doyle (Wheeling Park).

McKEES ROCKS, Pa. — Trailing 25-11 with four matches remaining, the OVAC relied on its heavier weights to take control en route to a 31-25 victory over the MAC Wednesday night in the 28th annual “Clash of Champions’ All-Star wrestling match inside Montour High School.

Only East Liverpool’s Tristan Eckles (121) and Cambridge’s Baylon Rose (127) could win early bouts, with Eckles posting a technical fall and Rose a pin.

However, Barnesville’s Ayden King jump-started the OVAC rally with a pin to make it 25-17. Wheeling Park state champion Jameson Maynard won by technical fall as the deficit was sliced to 25-22. Parkersburg South’s Brycen Arthur tied the score at 25 with a 2-1 decision and University heavyweight Brock Kehler secured the win with a pin.

With the come-from-behind victory, the OVAC now holds a 19-9 advantage in the all-time series.

Next year’s event will be held at an OVAC school.


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