
Goodwill Industries links low-income older workers to training, employment

ZANESVILLE, Ohio — Goodwill Industries of Zanesville is linking low-income older workers to on-the-job training they need to move into employment at organizations and businesses ready to recruit from this largely untapped but skilled labor pool.

Through the federal Senior Community Service Employment Program, Goodwill Industries identifies individuals age 55 and older who meet specific criteria (such as income requirements), and then assesses their skills and abilities.

Goodwill then matches these seniors with nonprofit organizations or public agencies in the community for on-the-job training in a professional work


The training is paid for by the SCSEP program, which emerged as part of the national Older Americans Act.

The program helps seniors find work, giving preference to those who have physical or mental disabilities, are veterans or spouses of veterans, or who need job training.

While the older worker is learning new skills, Goodwill works with him or her to transition into employment, either at the agency where they trained, or at another employer in the community.

“With this type of program, everyone wins,” said Adam Archer. “The host agencies that provide the training get no-cost additional manpower to help them meet specific needs in the community, the older workers broaden their skills and gain critical work experience, and employers can then access a trained, motivated pool of job candidates.”

Through a national Department of Labor grant, Goodwill Industries helps ensure that each year more than 100,000 low-income workers over age 55 are aided by the SCSEP program.

For additional information on becoming a participant, a host agency or an employer of an already trained participant, call Adam Archer at 740-450-6060, ext. 123.


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